Bumjun Shin
CEO&Founder, Buysell Standards Inc.


Bumjun Shin
CEO&Founder, Buysell Standards Inc.


CEO&Founder, Buysell Standards Inc.
Chairman, Token Securities Council Korea



-The Age of New Finance, Comprehensive Suggestion for the enlightenment of STO Market
-신금융의 시대, STO 개화를 위한 종합 제언



Currently, serving as the Founder and CEO of BuySell Standards Inc. and the inaugural Chairman of the Token Securities Committee under the Korea Fintech Industry Association, he operates ‘PIECE,’ Korea’s first physical asset fractional investment platform.
Recognized for PIECE’s innovation and business viability, he has received several prestigious awards, including the ‘2024 TAB Global Excellence in Retail Finance Awards Best Retail DeFi Initiative,’ the ‘Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Award,’ the ‘Seoul Creative Economy Innovation Center Director’s Award,’ the ‘Korea SMEs and Startups Agency President’s Award,’ and the ‘Germany iF Design Award Winner.’
His goal is to establish PIECE as a unique fintech brand specializing in digital asset management.


현재 바이셀스탠다드 창업자이자 대표이사로 재직중이며, (사)한국핀테크산업협회 토큰증권협의회 초대 회장직을 맡고 있다.
국내 최초의 현물 조각투자 플랫폼 ’피스(PIECE)’를 운영하고있으며 피스의 혁신성과 사업성을 인정받아 ‘2024 TAB Global Excellence in Retail Finance Awards Best Retail DeFi Initiative’ ‘국토교통부장관상’ ‘서울창조경제혁신센터장상’ ‘중소벤처기업진흥공단이사장상’ ‘독일 iF Design Award Winner 본상’ 등을 수상했다.
피스를 디지털자산운용에 특화된 유니크한 핀테크 브랜드로 만드는 걸 목표하고 있다.


All sessions

'새로운 금융, STO 발전을 위한 제언'

  • 9 11월, 2023
  • 15:30 - 15:50
  • Harmony Hall

파이어사이드챗 - '한국 STO의 출발, 조각투자'

  • 9 11월, 2023
  • 15:50 - 16:20
  • Harmony Hall

'New Finance STO, Suggestions for the Successful Establishment'

  • 9 11월, 2023
  • 15:30 - 15:50
  • Harmony Hall

Fireside Chat - 'Starting point of Korea STO, Piece Investment'

  • 9 11월, 2023
  • 15:50 - 16:20
  • Harmony Hall