Eun Bo Jeong(정은보)
Chairman & CEO, Korea Exchange
Chairman & CEO, Korea Exchange
이사장, 한국거래소
Short Speech
-STO Market, a Place of Opportunity for Capital Market Value-Up
-자본시장 Value-Up을 위한 기회의 장, STO 시장
Eun-Bo Jeong, Ph.D., has been serving as the Chairman and CEO of the Korea Exchange since February 2024.
With a wealth of experience and expertise, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s policy in the areas of macro economy, domestic and international finance over a long period of time.
Prior to assuming his current role at the Korea Exchange, he devoted himself to public service, holding esteemed positions such as Governor of the Financial Supervisory Service, Vice Chairman of the Financial Services Commission, and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Mr. Jeong also made significant contributions to the nation’s diplomacy through his role as Ambassador for the ROK-US defense cost-sharing negotiations with outstanding leadership.
He received doctoral and master’s degree in Economics from Ohio State University, and his master’s degree and bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Seoul National University.
△ Ph.D. in Economics, The Ohio State University, USA
△ Master’s Degree in Economics, The Ohio State University, USA
△ Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Seoul National University
△ Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Seoul National University
△ Graduated from Daeil High School, Seoul
Career History
△ Current: Chairman of Korea Exchange
△ Governor of Financial Supervisory Service
△ Chief Negotiator for ROK-U.S. Defense Cost-Sharing at Ministry of Foreign Affairs
△ Vice Chairman of Financial Services Commission
△ Assistant Minister at Ministry of Economy and Finance
△ Secretary-General of Financial Services Commission
△ Director General of Financial Policy Bureau at Financial Services Commission
△ Director General of International Finance Policy at Ministry of Economy and Finance
△ Director of Support Measures Division for FTA Domestic Countermeasures Headquarters at Ministry of Finance and Economy
△ Director of Financial Policy Division at Financial Policy Bureau, Ministry of Finance and Economy
△ Director of Insurance Policy Division at Financial Policy Bureau, Ministry of Finance and Economy
△ Director of Economic Analysis Division at Economic Policy Bureau, Ministry of Finance and Economy
△ Director of Coordination Division 1 at Economic Policy Bureau, Ministry of Finance and Economy
△ Budget Officer for Legal and Administrative Affairs at Budget Office, Ministry of Finance and Economy
△ Passed the Higher Civil Service Examination (28th Session)
정은보 박사는 2024년 2월부터 한국거래소 이사장 겸 CEO로 재직 중입니다.
그는 오랜 기간 동안 거시경제, 국내외 금융 분야에서 국가 정책을 형성하는 데 중요한 역할을 해왔으며, 풍부한 경험과 전문 지식을 보유하고 있습니다.
한국거래소에서의 현재 역할을 맡기 전에, 그는 금융감독원 원장, 금융위원회 부위원장, 기획재정부 차관보 등 공공 서비스 분야에서 중요한 직책을 맡아 헌신했습니다.
또한, 정 박사는 한미 방위비분담 협상 대표로서 뛰어난 리더십을 발휘하며 국가 외교에 크게 기여했습니다.
그는 오하이오 주립대학교에서 경제학 박사 및 석사 학위를, 서울대학교에서 경영학 석사 및 학사 학위를 받았습니다.
△ 美, 오하이오주립대학교 경제학 박사
△ 美, 오하이오주립대학교 경제학 석사
△ 서울대학교 경영학 석사
△ 서울대학교 경영학 학사
△ 서울 대일고
△ 현) 한국거래소 이사장
△ 금융감독원 원장
△ 외교부 한미방위비분담 협상대표
△ 금융위원회 부위원장
△ 기획재정부 차관보
△ 금융위원회 사무처장
△ 금융위원회 금융정책국장
△ 기획재정부 국제금융정책관
△ 재정경제부 FTA 국내대책본부 지원대책단장
△ 재정경제부 금융정책국 금융정책과장
△ 재정경제부 금융정책국 보험제도과장
△ 재정경제부 경제정책국 경제분석과장
△ 재정경제부 경제정책국 조정1과장
△ 재정경제원 예산실 법사행정예산담당관
△ 행정고시 합격(28회)
All sessions
Short Speech
- 30 8월, 2024
- 09:10 - 09:20
- KRX Conference Hall
Short Speech
- 30 8월, 2024
- 09:10 - 09:20
- 한국거래소 컨퍼런스홀