Wondong Cho(조원동)
CEO, Korea ST Exchange


Wondong Cho(조원동)
CEO, Korea ST Exchange


CEO, Korea ST Exchange
대표, 한국ST거래


  • (Current) CEO, Korea ST Exchange
    Ex-Chief of Staff for Economic Affairs in the Office of the President
  • (Former) Head of the Korea Taxation Institute
    Deputy Secretary General of the Prime Minister’s Office
    Head of National Operations at the Prime Minister’s Office
    Director, Economic Policy Division, Ministry of Finance and Economy
    Director of the International Monetary Fund
    Policy Coordinator, Ministry of Finance


  • (현) 한국ST거래(주) 대표
    규제개혁위원회 경제1분과 위원장
  • (전) 청와대 경제수석비서관
    국무총리실 사무차장
    국무총리실 국정운영실장
    재정경제부 경제정책국장
    재정경제부 정책조정심의관

All sessions

[Panel Discussion] STO Global Policy and the Current State of Korea's Legislation

  • 30 8월, 2024
  • 10:20 - 11:00
  • KRX Conference Hall

[패널토론] STO 글로벌 정책과 한국의 법제화 현주소

  • 30 8월, 2024
  • 10:20 - 11:00
  • 한국거래소 컨퍼런스홀